Enjoy Music everyday, your own Music too.
The wish:
To record your own musical performance as a solo artist, band, orchestra, collective or ensemble in audiophile quality and make it accessible to everyone.
The realization:
netiv audio productions takes care of the entire process, from recording and mixing to the final mastering.
The result:
An audiophile music production that fulfills all wishes.
The costs:
Since my offer also serves scientific studies (acoustics department), the costs for you are made up of a donation to a cultural association of your choice, a donation to an environmental protection association of your choice, a fair expense allowance and a contribution to my travel expenses.
This is therefore not a commercial venture on my part.
Initiator and responsible for the offer:
netiv audio productions
in Persona
Stefan Swiderek
Kalkberg 55
01662 Meissen
Telephone: +49 (0) 1522 214 97 94
Mail: netiv@gmx.de
Responsible for content according to § 18 Abs. 2 MStV:
Stefan Swiderek
Data and youth protection officer:
Stefan Swiderek
All rights reserved. Any reproduction or redistribution in any medium in whole or in part requires the written consent of the owner.
Text and data mining:
netiv audio productions expressly does not reserve the right to use its content for commercial text and data mining within the meaning of § 44b UrhG.
Liability notice:
Despite careful content control, we assume no liability for the content of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content.
Legal notice: The EU has created an online procedure for the settlement of disputes between traders and consumers.
You can find information on this at https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/
netiv audio productions does not participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.
The privacy policy of netiv audio productions applies.
Extensive recording experience in the following areas:
-Live performances / concerts
-Band rehearsal room
-Organ and Orchestra
-all styles of music and performance forms
Technical Equipment:
-high-quality multi-track interfaces with redundancy and reliability
-high-quality condenser microphones
-special microphones for unobtrusive placement
-Reliable laptops with redundancy and backup systems
The final processing step in audio production.
netiv audio productions attaches great importance to uncompressed dynamics and naturalness in the production and reproduction of recordings.
The maxim applies:
The less processing of the high-quality recorded microphone signal, the better!
This is said to be the definition of "audiophile".